Volume 9 Number 1 – May 2011

Curry Stephenson Malott
Pseudo-Marxism and the Reformist Retreat from Revolution: A Critical Essay Review of Marx and Education

Vicki Macris
The Ideological Conditions of Social Reproduction

Maria Nikolakaki
Critical pedagogy and democracy: cultivating the democratic ethos

Nathalia Jaramillo
Dialogic Action for Critical Democracy

Steven Colatrella
Nothing Exceptional: Against Agamben

Graeme Martin and Nick Peim
Cross-border higher education, who profits?

Tristan Bunnell
Post-16 curriculum provision in England: the emerging functional ‘triage’ serving Capital’s needs

Chris Arthur
Financial Literacy in Ontario: Neoliberalism, Pierre Bourdieu and the Citizen

Stefan Wolf, Felipe A. Hernández Penton, Anna Lidia Beltrán Marin & Osvaldo Romero
The Cuban Vocational Education and Training System and its Current Changes

Scott H. Boyd
The Spread of Neoliberalism in US Community Colleges: TQM Accreditation, “Consumers,” and Corporate Sponsored Non-Profits

Timothy Scott
A Nation at Risk to Win the Future: The State of Public Education in the U.S.

Richard Lakes
Work-Ready Testing: Education and Employability in Neoliberal Times

Katri Komulainen, Päivi Naskali, Maija Korhonen & Seija Keskitalo-Foley
Internal Entrepreneurship – a Trojan horse of the neoliberal governance of education? Finnish pre- and in-service teachers’ implementation of and resistance towards entrepreneurship education

Jeffrey Bale
Language Education and Imperialism: The Case of Title VI and Arabic, 1958-1991

Imed Labidi
Terrorism, Violence, and the Collision of Masculinities in Four Lions

Volume 8 Number 2 – December 2010

Anna-Carin Jonsson & Dennis Beach
Reproduction of social class in teacher education: The influence of scientific theories on future teachers

Petar Jandric
Wikipedia and education: anarchist perspectives and virtual practices

Periklis Pavlidis
Critical Thinking as Dialectics: a Hegelian-Marxist Approach

Andrew N. McKnight
A Pragmatic and pedagogically Minded Revaluation of Historical Materialism

Diana Mulinari & Anders Neergaard
The ‘others’ in Sweden. Neoliberal policies and the politics of ‘race’ in education

James Avis
Workplace learning, knowledge, practice and transformation

Imed Labidi
Arab Education Going Medieval: Sanitizing Western Representation in Arab Schools

Margaret Kennedy & Martin J. Power
‘The Smokescreen of meritocracy’: Elite Education in Ireland and the reproduction of class privilege

Magnus Dahlstedt & Mekonnen Tesfahuney
Speculative Pedagogy: Education, Entrepreneurialism and the Politics of Inclusion in Contemporary Sweden

Jean Leon Boucher
There Will be Struggle: The Development and Operational Issues of Social Justice Programs at State Universities in the United States of America

Knud Jensen & Dirk Michel-Schertges
Transforming of Educational Institutions after GATS

Donn Short
Conversations in Equity and Social Justice: Constructing Safe Schools for Queer Youth

Shahrzad Mojab
Pedagogical Possibilities of Class in Culture
Review of: Ebert, Teresa, L. and Mas

Samuel Day Fassbinder
Book Review: Nocella II, Anthony J., Steven Best, and Peter McLaren, eds. Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic-Industrial Complex. Oakland CA: AK, 2010. Print.

Volume 8 Number 1 – August 2010

Paul R. Carr
Re-thinking normative democracy and the political economy of education

Daniel B. Saunders
Neoliberal Ideology and Public Higher Education in the United States

David Gillborn
Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? a reply to Dave Hills “Race and Class in Britain: a critique of the statistical basis for critical race theory in Britain”

Liz Jackson
The New Assimilationism: The Push for Patriotic Education in the United States Since September 11

Jie Dong
Neo-Liberalism and the evolvement of China’s education policies on migrant children’s schooling

Susanne Butte
Freire: Informal Education as Protest

Paul J. Welsh
Some Social Consequences of Faith-based Schooling: A Comparative Study of Denominational Secondary Education in Thanet and Lille

Bonnie K. Fox Garrity, Mark J. Garrison, and Roger C. Fiedler
Access for Whom, Access to What? The Role of the “Disadvantaged Student” Market in the Rise of For-profit Higher Education in the United States

Henry Maitles
Why Does Wearing A Yellow Bib Make Us Different?: A Case Study of Explaining Discrimination in a West of Scotland Secondary (High) School

Andrew Hodgkins
Manufacturing (il)literacy in Alberta’s classrooms: The case of an oil-dependent state

Karim A. Remtulla
Media Mediators: Advocating an Alternate Paradigm for Critical Adult Education ICT Policy

Mary Kabesiime
Schooling Ugandan Girls: a policy historiography

Ergin Bulut
Transformation of the Turkish Vocational Training System: Capitalization, Modularization and Learning Unto Death

Lau Chui Shan
Alternative State Formation in Colonial Hong Kong: Patriotic Schools, 1946-1976

Chad Becker
American Education Discourse: Language, Values, and U.S. Federal Policy

Gabriela Walker, Alexander Rakochy, Margaret Fitzpatrick
Critical Theory and the Human Condition: A Book Review Symposium

Samuel Day Fassbinder, Greg William Misiaszek, Jorunn Thordarson
Critical Pedagogy, Ecoliteracy and Planetary Crisis: The Ecopedagogy Movement: A Book Review Symposium

Volume 7 Number 2 – November 2009

Dave Hill
Race and Class in Britain: a Critique of the statistical basis for Critical Race Theory in Britain

Tom G. Griffiths and Jo Williams
Mass schooling for socialist transformation in Cuba and Venezuela

Peter McLaren
Guided by a Red Star: the Cuban literacy campaign and the challenge of history

M. Wangeci Gatimu
Rationale for Critical Pedagogy of Decolonization: Kenya as a Unit of Analysis

Jennifer A. Sandlin, Richard Kahn, David Darts and Kevin Tavin
To Find the Cost of Freedom: Theorizing and Practicing a Critical Pedagogy of Consumption

Brian Lack
No Excuses: A Critique of the Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) within Charter Schools in the USA

Sondra Cuban and Nelly Stromquist
It Is Difficult To Be A Woman With A Dream Of An Education: Challenging U.S. Adult Basic Education Policies to Support Women Immigrants

Bill Templer
A Two-Tier Model for a More Simplified and Sustainable English as an International Language

Prentice Chandler and Douglas McKnight
The Failure of Social Education in the United States: A Critique of Teaching the National Story from ‘White’ Colourblind Eyes

Seçkin Özsoy
A Utopian Educator from Turkey: Ismail Hakki Tonguç (1893-1960)

Domingos Leite Lima Filho
Educational Policies and Globalization: elements for some criticism on the international organizations’ proposals for Latin America and the Caribbean Islands Countries

Andrea Beckmann , Charlie Cooper and Dave Hill
Neoliberalization and managerialization of ‘education’ in England and Wales – a case for reconstructing education

Jane-Frances Lobnibe
International Students and the Politics of Difference in US Higher Education

Magnus Dahlstedt
Democratic Governmentality: National Imaginations, Popular Movements and Governing the Citizen

Torie L. Weiston-Serdan
A Radical Redistribution of Capital

Brad Porfilio and Greg Dimitriadis
Book Review: Marc Pruyn and Luis Huerta-Charles Eds. Teaching Peter McLaren: Paths of Dissent (New York: Peter Lang)

Volume 7 Number 1 – June 2009

Michael Viola
The Filipinization of Critical Pedagogy: Widening the Scope of Critical Educational Theory

Mike Cole
On ‘white supremacy’ and caricaturing, misrepresenting and dismissing Marx and Marxism: a response to David Gillborn’s ‘Who’s Afraid of Critical Race Theory in Education’

Guy Senese and Gerald Wood
‘Like the Other Kings Have:’ a theory of sovereignty and the persistence of inequality in education

Helena Sheehan
Contradictory transformations: observations on the intellectual dynamics of South African universities

Anastasia Liasidou
Critical Policy Research and Special Education Policymaking: A Policy Trajectory Approach

Antoinette Errante
Structure, Agency and Cultural Capital as Control over Knowledge Production in Policy Formation: Mozambique

Angela C. de Siqueira
Higher Education Reform in Brazil: Reinforcing Marketization

Pierre W. Orelus
Beyond Political Rhetoric and Discourse: What type of educational, socio- economic, and political change should educators expect of President Barack Obama?

Sara Zamir and Sara Hauphtman
The portrayal of the Jewish figure in Literary Texts Included in the Present Matriculation Curriculum in Hebrew for Students of the Arab Sector in Israel

Phoebe Moore
UK Education, Employability, and Everyday Life

Rebecca A. Goldstein and Andrew R. Beutel
‘Soldier of Democracy’ or ‘Enemy of the State’? The rhetorical construction of teacher through ‘No Child Left Behind’

Stephen Philion
Is Race Really Controversial in the University Classroom?

Michelle Early Torregano and Patrick Shannon
Educational Greenfield: A Critical Policy Analysis of Plans to Transform New Orleans Public Schools

Dennis Beach and Margata Carlen
New partnerships

Rodolfo Leyva
No Child Left Behind: A Neoliberal Repackaging of Social Darwinism

Ioannis Efstathiou
Enhancing Students’ Critical Awareness in a Second Chance School in Greece: Reality or Wishful Thinking?

Mompati Mino Polelo
The Small State, Markets and Tertiary Education Reform in a Globalised Knowledge Economy: Decoding Policy Texts in Botswana

Volume 6 Number 2 – December 2008

Philip E. Kovacs, H.K. Christie
The Gates’ Foundation and the Future of U.S. Public Education: A Call for Scholars to Counter Misinformation Campaigns

Richard Hatcher
Selling Academies: local democracy and the management of ‘consultation’

James Avis
Class, economism, individualisation and Post Compulsory Education and Training

John Walsh
The Critical Role of Discourse in Education for Democracy

Anthony J. Nocella
Emergence of Disability Pedagogy

Paul J. Welsh
Social Deprivation, Community Cohesion, Denominational Education and Freedom of Choice: A Marxist Perspective on Poverty and Exclusion in the District of Thanet

Christian Fuchs and Marisol Sandoval
Positivism, Postmodernism, or Critical Theory? A Case Study of Communications Students’ Understandings of Criticism

Rachel Hertz-Lazarowitz, Aura Mor-Sommerfeld, Tamar Zelniker, Faisal Azaiza
From ethnic segregation to bilingual education: What can bilingual education do for the future of the Israeli Society?

Anita Trnavcevic
The imaginary of commodified education: Open days at Slovenian grammar schools

Stephen P. Gordon, John Smyth, Julie Diehl
The Iraq War, ‘Sound Science,’ and ‘Evidence-Based’ Educational Reform: How the Bush Administration Uses Deception, Manipulation, and Subterfuge to Advance its Chosen Ideology

Charlie Cooper
Review Essay: Neoliberalism, education and strategies of resistance

Ashwani Kumar
Review Essay of Ross, E.W., & Gibson, R. (Eds.). (2007). Neoliberalism and Education Reform. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Terry Wrigley
review of E. Wayne Ross and Rich Gibson eds.(2007) Neoliberalism and education reform. Creskill NJ: Hampton Press 

Volume 6 Number 1 – May 2008

Ravi Kumar
Against Neoliberal Assault on Education in India: A Counternarrative of Resistance

Richard A. Brosio
Marxist Thought: Still Primus Inter Pares for Understanding and Opposing the Capitalist System

Alex Means
Neoliberalism and the Politics of Disposability: Education, Urbanization, and Displacement in the New Chicago

Adam Davidson-Harden
Re-branding Neoliberalism and Systemic Dilemmas in Social Development: The Case of Education and School Fees in Latin American HIPCs

Philip Kovacs
Neointellectuals: Willing Tools on a Veritable Crusade

Raquel Goulart Barreto
Recontextualizing Information and Communication Technologies: The Discourse of Educational Policies in Brazil (1995-2007)

Isaac N. Obasi
World University Rankings in a Market-driven Knowledge Society: Implications for African Universities

İlker C.Bıçakçı
The capitalistic function of education-directed social responsibility projects in Turkey within the context of relationships between the private sector and NGOs

Kariane Westrheim
Prison as Site for Political Education: Educational experiences from prison narrated by members and sympathisers of the PKK

Sima Sadeghi
Critical Pedagogy in an EFL Teaching context :An ignis fatuus or an Alternative Approach?

Martin Power
“Crossing the Sahara without water”: experiencing class inequality through the Back to Education Allowance Welfare to Education programme

Elaine Hampton
U.S. Economic Influences on Mexican Curriculum in Maquiladora Communities: Crossing the Colonization Line?

Richard D. Lakes
The Neoliberal Rhetoric of Workforce Readiness

Michael Corbett
The Edumometer: The commodification of learning from Galton to the PISA

Liz Jackson
Reconsidering Affirmative Action in Education as a Good for the Disadvantaged

Julia Hall, Kelvin McQueen
Review Symposium: Mike Cole Marxism and Educational Theory: Origins and issues (2008, London: Routledge)

Volume 5 Number 2 – November 2007

Terry Wrigley
Rethinking Education in an Era of Globalisation

Dave Hill and Simon Boxley
Critical Teacher Education for Economic, Environmental and Social Justice: an Ecosocialist Manifesto

Richard Hatcher
‘Yes, but how do we get there?’ Alternative visions and the problem of strategy

Valerie Scatamburlo-D’Annibale (1), Ghada Chehade (1), Richard Kahn (2), Clayton Pierce (2) and Sheila L. Macrine (3)
Review Symposium:Pedagogy and Praxis in the Age of Empire: Toward a new Humanism
by Peter McLaren and Nathalia Jaramillo
AW Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2007. Pp. 206
ISBN: 978-90-77874-84-4

Rich Gibson, Greg Queen, E. Wayne Ross and Kevin Vinson
“I Participate, You Participate, We Participate … They Profit,”
Notes on Revolutionary Educational Activism to Transcend Capital: The Rouge Forum

Wayne Au
Epistemology of the Oppressed: The Dialectics of Paulo Freire’s Theory of Knowledge

Bill Templer
Educational Geopolitics and the ‘Settler University’ in Ariel

Jill Pinkney Pastrana
Subtle Tortures of the Neo-liberal Age: Teachers, Students, and the Political Economy of Schooling in Chile

Amy Salmon
Dis/Abling States, Dis/Abling Citizenship: Young Aboriginal Mothers and the Medicalization of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Paul Carr
Experiencing Democracy Through Neoliberalism: The Role of Social Justice in Democratic Education

Nikos M. Georgiadis
Educational Reforms in Greece (1959 – 1997) and Human Capital Theory

Anastasios Liambas, Christos Tourtouras and Ioannis Kaskaris
Socio-cultural appraisals on the Greek non-compulsory secondary education: An analysis on the education provided for the immigrant foreign and the repatriated pupils

David Greene
Gatekeepers: The Role of Adult Education Practitioners and Programs in Social Control

Park, Hyu-Yong
Emerging Consumerism and the Accelerated ‘Education Divide’: The Case of Specialized High Schools in South Korea

Yasemin Esen
Sexism in School Textbooks Prepared under Education Reform in Turkey

Dr. Steven Best, Dr. Peter McLaren and Anthony J. Nocella, II
Revolutionary Peacemaking: Using a Critical Pedagogy Approach for Peacemaking with “Terrorists”[1]

Jurjo Torres Santomé
Performance indicators as a strategy for counter-reformist change in educational policy

Volume 5 Number 1 – May 2007

Bernard Regan
Campaigning Against Neo-liberal Education in Britain

Nigel M. Greaves, Dave Hill, and Alpesh Maisuria
Embourgeoisment, Immiseration, Commodification – Marxism Revisited: a Critique of Education in Capitalist Systems

Helen Gunter
Remodelling the School Workforce in England: a study in tyranny

Mike Cole and Alpesh Maisuria
‘Shut the f*** up’, ‘you have no rights here’: Critical Race Theory and Racialisation in post-7/7 racist Britain

Lisa Arrastía
Capital’s Daisy Chain: Exposing Chicago’s Corporate Coalition

Jacqueline Edmondson and Alexandra D’Urso
The importance of being critical: Opening possibilities and hope in education policy study

Michelle Attard Tonna
Teacher education in a globalised age

Kirstin Ruth Bratt
Violence in the Curriculum: Compulsory Linguistic Discrimination in the Arizona-Sonora Borderlands

Curry Malott
Cuban Education in Neo-liberal Times: Socialist Revolutionaries and State Capitalism

John D. Holst
The Politics and Economics of Globalization and Social Change in Radical Adult Education: A Critical Review of Recent Literature

Tim Waller
ICT and Social Justice: Educational technology, global capital and digital divides

Ka Ho Mok and Yat Wai Lo
The Impacts of Neo-Liberalism on China’s Higher Education

Lawrence M Lesser and Sally Blake
Mathematical Power: Exploring Critical Pedagogy In Mathematics and Statistics

Volume 4 Number 2 – November 2006

Valerie Scatamburlo-D’Annibale, Juha Suoranta, Nathalia Jaramillo, Peter McLaren
Farewell to the “Bewildered Herd”: Paulo Freire’s Revolutionary Dialogical Communication in the Age of Corporate Globalization

Wayne Au
Against Economic Determinism: Revisiting the Roots of Neo-Marxism in Critical Educational Theory

Glenn Rikowski
In Retro Glide

Abraham P. DeLeon
The time for action is now! Anarchist theory, critical pedagogy, and radical possibilities

Ravi Kumar
State, Class and Critical Framework of Praxis: The Missing Link in Indian Educational Debates

Faith Agostinone-Wilson
Downsized Discourse: Classroom Management, Neoliberalism, and the Shaping of Correct Workplace Attitude

Curry Malott
From Pirates to Punk Rockers: Pedagogies of Insurrection and Revolution: The Unity of Utopia

Michael Viola
Hip-Hop and Critical Revolutionary Pedagogy: Blue Scholarship to Challenge “The Miseducation of the Filipino”

Anthony J. Nocella, II
Fighting Against the Conservative Agenda in the Academy: An Examination of the 4Ss of Academic Repression and Repressive Pedagogy Post-9/11/01

Sondra Cuban
“Following the Physician’s Recommendations Faithfully and Accurately:” Functional Health Literacy, Compliance, and the Knowledge-Based Economy

Athena Vongalis-Macrow
The ambiguous politics of teachers in the reconstruction of Iraq

Dimitris Zachos
Roma, Egalitarianism and School Integration: The Case of Flampouro

Dr. Paul Carr
Social Justice and Whiteness in Education: Color-blind Policymaking and Racism

Martin J. Power
Why Not Education? The Necessity for Welfare to Education Programmes to Alleviate the Social Exclusion of Welfare Recipients in Ireland

Jeylan Wolyie Hussein
Locating the value conflicts between the rhetoric and practices of the public and teacher education in Ethiopia within the hegemony of the global neo-liberalism and seeking the alternative in critical pedagogy