Volume 12 Number 3 – Dec 2014 / Jan 2015

Cassie Earl
Making Hope Possible: An exploration of moving popular Pedagogy Forward in Neoliberal Times from the Streets to the University

Simon Boxley
Lenin’s Lessons on schooling for the left in the UK

Vasillios Arvanitis
The Function of Public Education Systems in times of Recession: The Case of Greece (2008-2014)

Curry Malott
Derek R. Ford
Contributions to a Marxist Critical Pedagogy of Becoming: Centering the Critique of the Gotha Programme: Part One

Marcus Eckelt
Guido Schmidt
Learning to be precarious – The transition of young people from school into precarious work in Germany

Fevziye Sayılan
Some Critical Reflections on Lifelong Learning Policy in Turkey

Engin Atasay
Neoliberal Multiculturalism Embedded in Social Justice Education: Commodification of Multicultural Education for the 21st Century

Kevin Magill
Arturo Rodriguez
A Critical Humanist Curriculum

César Rossatto
Global Activism and Social Transformation vis-à-vis Dominant Forms of Economic Organization: Critical Education within Afro-Brazilian and Transnational Pedagogical Praxis

George Grollios
Anastasios Liambas
Critical approaches to Critical Pedagogy in Greece

Güliz Akkaymak
Neoliberal Ideology in Primary School Social Studies Textbooks in Turkey

Josh Cuevas
Hispanic Acculturation in the U.S.: Examining the Relationship Between Americans’ Ethnocentricity and Education

Ashlee Anderson
Brittany Aronson
Scott Ellison
Sherrie Fairchild-Keyes
Pushing Up Against the Limit-Horizon of Educational Change: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Popular Education Reform Texts

Volume 12 Number 2 – August 2014

Curry Malott
Contributions to a Marxist Critical Pedagogy: Revisiting Marx’s Humanism

Tanner Mirrlees
Shahid Alvi
Taylorizing Academia, Deskilling Professors and Automating Higher Education: The Recent Role of MOOCs

Lars Dahlström
John Nyambe
Case Studies of Teacher Education Forces in the Global South: Pedagogical possibilities when the main door is closed

Remy Yi Siang Low
Between Bethan and Me: A dialogue on the uncertain promise of education, precarious employment and what it means to be productive

Sardar M. Anwaruddin
Educational Neocolonialism and the World Bank: A Rancièrean Reading

Angelo Letizia
Radical Servant Leadership: A New Practice of Public Education Leadership in the Post-Industrial Age

Maria Olson
Magnus Dahlstedt
Citizen formation for a new millennium in Sweden – a prognosis of our time

James Avis
Austerity and Modernisation, One Nation Labour – Localism, the Economy and Vocational Education and Training in England

Gülay Aslan
Neo-liberal Transformation in Turkish Higher Education System: A New Story of a Turning Point: Draft Proposition on the Higher Education Law

Mark Wolfmeyer
‘Math for America’ Isn’t

Fred Harris
John Dewey’s Dual Theory of Inquiry and Its Value for the Creation of an Alternative Curriculum

Kemal Inal
Güliz Akkaymak
Deniz Yıldırım
The Constructivist Curriculum Reform in Turkey in 2004–In fact what is constructed?

Ambissa Keana
Adult Basic Literacy in Ethiopia 

Ingrid Henning Loeb
Karin Lumsden Wass
A Policy of Individualization and Flexibility Ignoring the Situation of Non-self-Reliant Individuals: The Example of Swedish Basic Adult Education

Volume 12 Number 1 – February 2014

Panagiotis Sotiris
University movements as laboratories of counter-hegemony

Bill Templer
Capitalism reborn, chaos and the post-socialist freefall: a view from Europe’s ‘new periphery’

Lilia D. Monzó
A Critical Pedagogy for Democracy: Confronting Higher Education’s Neoliberal Agenda with a Critical Latina Feminist Episteme

Kevin Harris
Praxis: The Making of Australia’s Radical Education Dossier

Curry Stephenson Malott
Coming to Critical Pedagogy: A Marxist Autobiography in the History of Higher Education

Jill Koyama
Brian Kania
When Transparency Obscures: The Political Spectacle of Accountability

Marcia Watson
Freedom Schools Then and Now: A Transformative Approach to Learning

Joseba Fernández
Facing the Corporate-University: The New Wave of Student Movements in Europe

Gladys Beatriz Barreyro
José Carlos Rothen
Andréia da Cunha Malheiros Santana
Policies for Evaluation and Regulation of Higher Education in Brazil (1995-2010), supporting the expansion of private higher education

Ambissa Kenea
Adult basic literacy “initiatives” in Ethiopia: change and continuity

Goran Puaca
Imperatives for ‘Right’ Educational Choices in Swedish Educational Policy

Evangelia Moula
Mary Kabouropoulou
Art and Fairy Tales in an interdisciplinary interplay: teaching interventions towards negotiation and subversion of gender roles and stereotypes

Hayley Bentham
Astrid Sinnes
Sigrid Gjøtterud
Exploring the priorities of Teacher education related policies: An Education for Sustainable Development perspective

Tarık  Soydan
Hüseyin Gürkan Abali
Changes in the Field of Finance of Education in Turkey within the Context of Neoliberal Policies

Ferdows Aghagolzadeh
Hossein Davari
Iranian Critical ELT: A Belated but Growing Intellectual Shift in Iranian ELT Community

Scott MacPhail
Robert McGray
International Financial Institution Policies of Conditionality and Public Pedagogy

Volume 11 Number 4 – November 2013

Curry Malott
Dave Hill
Grant Banfield
Neoliberalism, Immiseration Capitalism and the Historical Urgency of a Socialist Education

Mark Cresswell
Zulfia Karimova
Tom Brock
Pedagogy of the Privileged: Elite Universities and Dialectical Contradictions in the UK

José García and Noah De Lissovoy
Doing School Time: The Hidden Curriculum Goes to Prison

Roberto Ribeiro Baldino
Tânia Cristina Baptista Cabral
The productivity of students’ schoolwork: an exercise in Marxist rigour

Brad J. Porfilio
Debangshu Roychoudhury
Lauren Gardner
Ending the ‘War Against Youth:’ Social Media and Hip-Hop Culture as Sites of Resistance, Transformation and (Re) Conceptualization

Nisha Thapliyal
Reframing the public in public education: The Landless Workers Movement (MST) and adult education in Brazil

Dimitris Tsoubaris
Aleksandros Georgopoulos
Gauging the Potential of Socially Critical Environmental Education (EE): Examining Local Environmental problems through children’s perspective

Selda Polat
Neo-liberal education policies in Turkey and transformation in education

Dereje Tadesse Birbirso
Technology for Empowering or Subjugating Teachers: Analysis of Ethiopia’s Education Reform Discourse Practice

Sara Zamir
Tamar Horowitz
The manifestation of the value of patriotism among Israeli trainee teachers – natives and immigrants: how will they educate their pupils in the light of this value?

Ulas Ozer
The Song of the Other/ Public Space as a Learning Environment and Gypsy Musicians in Turkey

Alan Hodkinson
Inclusion ‘All present and correct?’ A critical analysis of New Labour’s inclusive education policy in England

Volume 11 Number 3 – July 2013

Lauren E. McDonald
In Their Own Words: U.S. Think Tank “Experts” and the Framing of Education Policy Debates

Eleni Prokou
Equity and efficiency in Greek higher education policies in the past three decades: a shift of emphasis to the issue of efficiency / “quality assurance” in the 2000s.

Richard Hall
Educational technology and the enclosure of academic labour inside public higher education

Esther Milu
Critical Perspectives on Free Primary Education in Kenya: Towards an Anti-Colonial Pedagogy

Sophie Ward
Creativity, Freedom and the Crash: how the concept of creativity was used as a bulwark against communism during the Cold War, and as a means to reconcile individuals to neoliberalism prior to the Great Recession

Leonidas Maroudas and Evangelos Nikolaidis
Institutional changes and the expansion of flexible forms of employment in higher education: the case of Greek Universities

Ahmet Yildiz, Derya Ünlü, Zeynep Alica, Dogus Sarpkaya
Remembering Mahmut Hoca in a Neoliberal Age: “I am not a tradesman but a teacher.”

Angelo Letizia
Battle for the Enlightenment: Neoliberalism, Critical Theory and the role of Circumvential Education in Fostering a New Phase of the Enlightenment

Mark Stern
Bad Teacher: What Race to the Top Learned From the “race to the bottom”

Robert FitzSimmons and Satu Uusiautti
Critical Revolutionary Pedagogy Spiced by Pedagogical Love

Brittany Aronson and Ashlee Anderson
Critical Teacher Education and the Politics of Teacher Accreditation: Are We Practicing What We Preach?

Maria Vaina, Evaggelia Katidioti, and Antonis Ktiti
Teaching the Banking System according to Critical Education. A Study of a Schoolbook on Economics in Greece

Tim Rudd
The Ideological Construction of a New Form of Digital Exclusion: Computer Science as Latin or Total Deus Ex Machina?

YiShan Lea
Travel as a Ritual Toward Transformative Consciousness: Juxtaposing Che Guevara’s Biography and Teacher Candidates’ Narratives

Kirsi-Marja Saurén and Kaarina Määttä
The Ritualization of Progress—the Schooled Imagination

Joshua A. Cuevas
A Reflection on Belief

Volume 11 Number 2 – March 2013

Brad J. Porfilio and Julie Gorlewski
Editorial: An International Examination of Teacher Education: Exposing and Resisting the Neoliberal Agenda

Joyce E Canaan
Resisting the English Neoliberalising University: What Critical Pedagogy can offer

Biljana Samoukovic
Democracy in the Global World; from Dewey’s Educational Aims for Social Efficiency to Educating a Global Mind

Sue Books and Rian de Villiers
Importing Educators and Redefining what it means to be a Teacher in the U.S.

Amy Brown
Waiting for Superwoman: White Female Teachers and the Construction of the “Neoliberal Savior” in a New York City Public School

Cecilie Rønning Haugen
Comparing the OECD’s and Norway’s Orientation to Equity in their Teacher Education Policies: Teacher Autonomy under Attack?

P. L. Thomas
Corporate Education Reform and the Rise of State Schools

Stephen Vassallo
Resistance to Self-Regulated Learning Pedagogy in an Urban Classroom: A Critique of Neoliberalism

Jenifer Crawford Lima
The Possibilities and Constraints of Three Teachers’ Perspectives and Enactment of Critical Praxis in Public Schools

Eve Tuck
Neoliberalism as Nihilism? A Commentary on Educational Accountability, Teacher Education, and School Reform

Volume 11 Number 1 – March 2013

Spyros Themelis and Terry Wrigley
Editorial: Class and Education: Old Issues, New Perspectives

John Yandell
Class and education: What is to be done?

Joyce E Canaan
Where did Class go, Why may it be returning?: A View from Sociology Students

Spyros Themelis
Social class and Education in Modern Britain: Why Inequalities Persist and How can we explain them

Panagiotis Sotiris
Higher Education and Class: Production or Reproduction?

Terry Wrigley
Class and Culture: Sources of Confusion in Educational Sociology

Terry Wrigley
Review Essay: Class, Ethics and Education. Paul Blackledge, Marxism and Ethics: Freedom, Desire, and Revolution

Volume 10 Number 2 – October 2012

Dave Hill

Immiseration Capitalism, Activism and Education: Resistance, Revolt and Revenge

Frank Truth
Pay Big to Publish Fast: Academic Journal Rackets

Mike Neary and Sarah Amsler
Occupy: a new pedagogy of space and time?

Periklis Pavlidis
The Antinomic Condition of the University: “Universal Labour” Beyond “Academic Capitalism”

Curry Malott
Rethinking Educational Purpose: The socialist challenge

Jennifer de Saxe
Conceptualizing Critical Feminist Theory and Emancipatory Education

Mike Cole
‘Abolish the white race’ or ‘transfer economic power to the people’? : Some educational implications

Mike Neary
Teaching Politically: Policy, Pedagogy and the New European University

Ravi Kumar
The Charge of Neoliberal Brigade and Higher Education in India

Dionysios Gouvias
The Post-modern Rhetoric of Recent Reforms in Greek Higher Education

Babak Fozooni
The Politics of Encyclopaedias

Gun-Marie Frånberg and Marie Wrethander
The rise and fall of a social problem: Critical reflections on educational policy and research issues

Imed Labidi
Arabizing Obama: Media’s Racial Pathologies and the Rise of Postmodern Racism

Maria Nikolakaki
Building a Society of Solidarity Through Critical Pedagogy: Group Teaching as a Social and Democratic Tool

Navin Kumar Singh
Exploration of Praxis through Personal and Professional Journey: Implications

Olli-Jukka Jokisaari
A Philosophy for Education in the World of Technology

Reza Pishghadam and Elham Naji Meidani
A Critical Look into Critical Pedagogy

Geraldine Mooney Simmie
The Pied Piper of Neo Liberalism Calls the Tune in the Republic of Ireland: An Analysis of Education Policy Text from 2000-2012


Volume 10 Number 1 – April 2012

Jerrold L. Kachur
The Liberal Virus in Critical Pedagogy: Beyond “Anti-This-and-That” Postmodernism and Three Problems in the Idea of Communism

Giorgos Tsimouris
The task of critical educator in the era of globalized immigration: a view from the European periphery

Periklis Pavlidis
The Rise of General Intellect and the Meaning of Education. Reflections on the Contradictions of Cognitive Capitalism

Dimitris Zachos
Institutional Racism? Roma children, local community and school practices

Nathalia E. Jaramillo
Occupy, Recuperate and Decolonize

Charlotte Chadderton
UK secondary schools under surveillance: what are the implications for race? A Critical Race and Butlerian analysis

Marnie Holborow
Neoliberalism, human capital and the skills agenda in higher education – the Irish case

Panagiotis Sotiris
Theorizing the Entrepreneurial University: Open questions and possible answers

George Pasias and Yannis Roussakis
“Who marks the bench?”A critical review of the neo-European educational “paradigm”

Ira Papageorgiou
Educational activities in campaign organisations: Promoting migrants’ socio-political involvement through language education

Panagiotis Maniatis
Critical Intercultural Education Necessities and Prerequisites for its development in Greece

Anastasia Liasidou
Inclusive education and critical pedagogy at the intersections of disability, race, gender and class

Anastassios Liambas and Ioannis Kaskaris
Dialog and the love in the work of Paulo Freire

Christopher A. Warren
The Effect of Post-Racial Theory on Education

Evgenia Flogaitis, Christina Nomikou, Elli Naoum, and Christina Katsenou
Investigating the possibilities of creating a Community of Practice. Action Research in three educational institutions

Karen François and Charoula Stathopoulou
In-Between Critical Mathematics Education and Ethnomathematics. The Case of a Romany Students’ group Mathematics Education

Zeynep Mine Derince
Reflections on Teaching Practices through Conditionings in Turkey

Tzina Kalogirou and Konstantinos Malafantis
Do I dare / disturb the universe? Critical Pedagogy and the ethics of resistance to and engagement with literature

Matina Balampekou and Georgis Floriotis
Antonio Gramsci, Education and science

Vicki Macris
Towards a Pedagogy of Philoxenia (Hospitality): Negotiating Policy Priorities for Immigrant Students in Greek Public Schools

Alessandra Troian and Marcelo Leandro Eichler
Extension or communication?– The perceptions of southern Brazilian tobacco farmers and rural agents about rural extension and Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

Konstantinos Avramidis and Konstantina Drakopoulou
Graffiti Crews’ Potential Pedagogical Role

Volume 9 Number 2 – November 2011

Grant Banfield
Looking for Marx: A Review of Marx and Education by Jean Anyon

Ken McGrew
On Being Holier-Than-Thou: A Critique of Curry Malott’s “Pseudo-Marxism and the Reformist Retreat from Revolution”

Gail Edwards
The Past and Future inside the Present: Dialectical Thinking and the Transformation of Teaching Education

Sarah S. Amsler
Revalorizing the Critical Attitude for Critical Education

Zachary A. Casey
Toward a Reconceptualization of Needs in Classrooms: Baudrillard, Critical Pedagogy, and Schooling in The United States

Arturo Rodriguez
Matthew David Smith
Reimagining Freirean Pedagogy: Sendero for Teacher Education

Andrew Armitage
Critical Pedagogy and Learning to Dialogue: Towards Reflexive Practice for Financial Management and Accounting Education

Carl-Ulrik Schierup
Aleksandra Ålund
From Paradoxes of Multiculturalism to Paradoxes of Liberalism. Sweden and the European Neo-Liberal Hegemony

Jennifer Esposito
Negotiating the Gaze and Learning the Hidden Curriculum: A Critical Race Analysis of the Embodiment of Female Students of Color at a Predominantly White Institution

Paul C. Mocombe
Role Conflict and Black Underachievement

Matthew David Smith
Arturo Rodriguez
A Critical Foundation for Bilingual Education

Brenda McMahon
The perpetuation of risk: Organizational and institutional policies and practices in a Title 1 school in the USA

Carlo Fanelli
James Meades
Austerity, Ontario and Post-Secondary Education: The Case of “Canada’s Capital University”

Chris Holligan
Kuang-Hsu Chiang
Browne’s Capgas Delusion: The Destruction of the Public University

Luiza Cortesão
Paulo Freire and Amilcar Cabral: convergences

Dulce Abigail Pérez-Aguilera
Leonardo E. Figueroa-Helland
Beyond Acculturation: Political “Change”, Indigenous Knowledges, and Intercultural Higher-Education in Mexico