Volume 19 Number 2 – Sep 2021

Yuko Ida
Desire after hope: To reorient myself for true life during COVID19

Glenn Rikowski
The Funnelling: Higher Education for Labour-power Production in the Shadow of Covid-19

YiShan Lea
Praxis of Jose Marti: Politico Literary Discourse and Agency for Independence Movement

Enrique Javier Díez Gutiérrez
Ideas and Proposals for the Spanish Education System in a Post-Capitalist Era

Ivonaldo Leite
An education for outsiders: Popular Education

Muharrem Demirdiş
Hasan Hüseyin Aksoy
Bertolt Brecht’s Theatrical Techniques’ Connection with Critical Pedagogy and Their Usability in Learning Environments

Michelle Gautreaux
Jordan Whelchel
Isaiah Zukowski
Nicholas Stender
Podcast Review Symposium: Derek Ford, Patricia Gorky, Mike Prysner, Nic de la Riva, Anahdedron, and Nathan Schmidt. (2021). Reading Capital with Comrades. Liberation School.

Michael Hornsby Brown
Marxists Forged Through Personal Struggle: Counterstorytelling Through Lived Experiences of Becoming Class Conscious

Juan Ramón Rodríguez Fernández
The Holy Crusade to Educate the Poor. A Political critique of Socio-educational Programs Against Poverty

Türkü Kivaluz
F. Ayşe Balci Karaboğa
The Reproduction of Gender Discrimination and the Daily Practices of Primary Schools in Turkey

Theodoros Vavitsas
Georgios Nikolaou
Highlighting the critical elements of interculturalism: Towards a Critical Intercultural Education

Ian Duckett
Curriculum and Social Class: adventures in pedagogy, engagement and intervention in England and Wales

Shawn R. Coon
Laurence Parker
Racial evasion policy: University leadership responses to incidents of racism in the age of neoliberalism

Jyoti Raina
Teacher education for diversity in India: Socio-educational experiences of travel to a ‘margin’

Amanda Oliveira Rabelo
Maria Amélia Reis
António Gomes Ferreira
Male and Female Gender in Teaching: Between the Will to Progress and the Wish to teach Well- a Comparative Study of Portugal and Brazil

Geraldine Mooney Simmie
The Pied Piper of Neo Liberalism Continues to Call the Tune in the Republic of Ireland: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Education Policy Texts from 2012 to 2021

Naser Zabeli
Fjolla Kaçaniku
Policy analysis for mapping the discourse of inclusion in higher education system in Kosovo

Foued Ben Said
School dropout risk in Tunisia: Impact of facilities and neighborhood characteristics

Giana Bakanou
Greg William Misiaszek
Book Review Symposium: Spyros Themelis. (ed) (2021) Critical Reflections on the Language of Neoliberalism in Education. New York. Routledge. ISBN 9780367629564

Volume 19 Number 1 – May 2021

Viviane Alves de Oliveira Feitosa
Antônio Marley de Araújo Stedile
Maria Cleide da Silva Barroso
Raphael Alves Feitosa
Moisey Pistrak (1888-1937) and the Unified Labour School: Analysis of Soviet Pedagogical Thinking for the Education of the Homo Novus

Ay Salem
Sand in the Academic Industrial Machine: Joyce Canaan’s Sociological Practice

Juha Suoranta
Tuukka Tomperi
Is There a Nordic Freire? The Reception History of Freirian Ideas in Finland

Tomasz Leś
Jacek Moroz
More Critical Thinking in Critical Thinking Concepts (?): A Constructivist Point of View

Miguel Martín-Sánchez
Laura Casares-Ávila
Jorge Cáceres-Muñoz
Education and Consumption: a critical perspective

James Avis
Beyond Neo-Liberalism a New Settlement – Three Crises and Post-Secondary Education

Zahra Kemiche
Christian Beighton
“It’s like very white winged”: students’ perceptions of the image and reality of Internationalisation in UK Higher Education

Benjamin Zonca
Josh Ambrosy
The expendable teacher in COVID-19 times: A poetic inquiry into the reconfiguration of governmentality in Victorian schools

Alisson Slider do Nascimento de Paula
The Learning-Market Of Edtech In Brazilian Education: The Impacts Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On The Educational Sector

Birgül Ulutaş
Academic Identity & Academic Labour in the Neoliberal Knowledge Production Process: The Example of Ankara’s Technocities

Leonardo Carnut
Neo-fascism and the public university: the Brazilian conjuncture in the Bolsonaro government

Amanda Oliveira Rabelo
Maria Amelia Reis
Antonio Ferreira
Male and Female Gender in Teaching: Between the Will to Progress and the Wish to Teach Well- a Comparative Study of Portugal and Brazil

Kyle Kopsick
The coloniality of Cambridge International in present-day Africa: An overview and call for research

Volume 18 Number 3 – Dec 2020

Josefine Wagner

Resisting Performativity Measures through Local Activism: A Critical Exploration of the 2019 Polish Teacher Strike

Taylor Ellis
Education Policy Studies in Troubling Times: Socially necessary labour time in neoliberal depoliticization of teachers’ work

Christian Beighton
“A cumulative and alienating pattern of repeated slights and insults”: Racism, Internationalization and Ethical Vacuity in UK Higher Education

Nkululeko Sibanda
Neoliberalism and Theatre Training in Zimbabwean Higher Education: The case of Midlands State University

Ross Goldstone
Exploring the changing dynamics of social class educational inequality throughout the history of state education in England: an analysis of four policy documents

Lucy Wenham
‘It was more a fear of the school thinking that I’d be a troublemaker’– Inappropriate use of internal exclusion through labelling by association with siblings

Margaret Fox
Book Review: Jay T. Dolmage (2017). Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. ISBM: 978-0472053711

Volume 18 Number 1 – April 2020

Francisco Miguel Martínez-Rodríguez
‘Working in the Vegetable Garden’ with Hortigas. A Critical Socio-Educational Experience Challenging Neoliberal Precarisation

Robert FitzSimmons
Juha Suoranta

Lenin on Learning and the Development of Revolutionary Consciousness

Patricia Vilanova Becker
Jorge Jimena Alcaide

Popular education as an antiracist approach: pedagogical experiences for a decolonial learning

Heather Jane Smith
Leena Helavaara Robertson
Nathalie Auger
Lydia Wysocki

Translanguaging as a political act with Roma: carving a path between pluralism and collectivism for transformation

Ivonaldo Leite
Society, Public Policies and Education: Alternative Approaches in Uruguay

Eric Ferris
Fortifying the Boundaries: Digital Surveillance and Policing Versus the Lives and Agency of People Living in Poverty

Maria Chalari
Students’ views on happiness in the era of multiple crises in Greece

Jennifer Y. Chung
Tom Buckmiller
Kevin D. Lam

Toward a Humanizing Framework for Student Success

Albert Torrent
Font Jordi Feu Gelis

Educational change in Spain: between committed renewal and innocuous innovation

Maria Nikolakaki
The Hope of Critical Pedagogy in the New Dark Ages of Neoliberal Globalization and Imperialism

Michael Brandmayr
Self-regulated Learning, Equality of Opportunities and the Mediation of Ideologies: A Discourse Study of the Austrian School System

Fatma Kesik
İdris Şahin

The reproduction of social inequality through education: The case of vocational high schools in Turkey

Ndindi Kitonga
Sheila L. Macrine
Kevin Russel Magill
Arturo Rodriguez
A Book Review Symposium: Lilia D. Monzó (2019) A Revolutionary Subject: Pedagogy of Women of Color and Indigeneity. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-4331-5919-0

Volume 18 Number 2 – Sep 2020

Silvia Redon Pantoja
The Teacher’s Voice: Citizenship and Neoliberalism: The Case of Chile

Stephen Black
Class Experiences: A Lifelong Educational Journey to Political Consciousness

Mike Cole
US Election 2020 Alerts! Democracy under Threat; Coronavirus Catastrophe; Climate Change Destruction; War

Mariana Mendonça
Towards a Deepening of Labour-Power Differentiation: Five Decades of Transformation in the Argentine Higher Education System

Ayhan Ural
Aysun Öztürk

A Transformative Experience: The Influence of Critical Pedagogy Studies on Teachers

Carl Parsons
A curriculum to think with: British colonialism, corporate kleptocracy, enduring white privilege and locating mechanisms for change

Angulo Rasco
Standardization in education, a device of Neoliberalism

María Verdeja Muñiz
Cultural diversity in schools: An ideal space for the construction of a critical and inclusive citizenship

Trish Van Katwyk
Shella Zagada
Santiago Grande
Critical Considerations of Power in Academia: An Emerging Theory of Growth Rooted in The Margins of Love, Solidarity and Praxis

Seb Dianati
Grant Banfield
‘Business as Usual’: Critical Management Studies and the Case of Environmental Sustainability Education

Eleftheria Pappa
Tropicalismo in Classics. Contemporary Brazilian Approaches to the Value of Classical Antiquity in Higher Education: Between Colonial Legacy and Post-Colonial Thinking

Faith Agostinone-Wilson
Silhouette Bushay
Sean Walton
Book Review Symposium: 1. Mike Cole (2019) Trump, the Alt-Right and Public Pedagogies of Hate and for Fascism: What is to Be Done? London and New York: Routledge Focus; 2. Mike Cole (2020) Theresa May, the Hostile Environment and Public Pedagogies of Hate and Threat: the Case for a Future Without Borders. London and New York: Routledge Focus

Alpesh Maisuria
Brad Evans
Francisco Duran Del Fierro
Robert Jackson
Sheila Macrine
Annette Rimmer
A Book Review Symposium: Henry A. Giroux (2020) On Critical Pedagogy [2nd Edition]. Bloomsbury Academic Publishing ISBN 0978-1-3501-4498-9

Anneli Harrison
Des Malone
Howard Stevenson
Book Review Symposium: Terry Edwards and Carl Parsons (2020) How to Dismantle the English State Education System in 10 Easy Steps. Winchester, UK: Zero Books. ISBN 978 1 78904 430 0

Volume 17 Number 3 – December 2019

Katherine Simpson
Robin Simmons
Social Haunting or Reclaiming the Past? Education and the Working Class in a Former Mining Community

Tim Rudd
Stephen O’Brien
The System Crisis 2020: The End of Neoliberal Higher Education in the UK?

K.V Syamprasad
Merit and caste as cultural capital: Justifying affirmative action for the underprivileged in Kerala, India

Evelyn Wandia Corrado
Using ethnocentric dialogic education to develop the autonomy of children in Africa: A Kenyan study

Mark Preston S. Lopez
Maria R. Coady
Annie Grail F. Ekid
Rural indigenous teachers’ lived experiences in mother tongue education in the Philippines: Counter-stories of resistance

Stephen Black
Languages study and class privilege: The neoliberal effect in Australian schools

Volume 17 Number 2 – August 2019

Hana Cervinkova
Pawel Rudnicki
Neoliberalism, Neo-conservatism, Authoritarianism. The Politics of Public Education in Poland

Bill Templer
Autocratic Top-down Censorship, Chris Hedges, and IATEFL’s Entrenched Resistance to Anti-Capitalist Critical Pedagogy

Raphael Alves Feitosa
Viviane Alves de Oliveira Feitosa
Natasha Alves Correia Lima
Maria Cleide da Silva Barroso

István Mészáros’ contributions to understanding of the metabolic rift: initial report for critical Environmental Education

Alisson Slider do Nascimento de Paula
Karla Raphaella Costa Pereira
Frederico Jorge Ferreira Costa
Kátia Regina Rodrigues Lima

The imperialist’s conditionalities for peripheral higher education privatization policy

Tarık Soydan
What Happened to Turkish Modernization? -A Historical Evaluation

Aldo Ocampo González
Patricia Hill Collins
Interview with Patricia Hill Collins on Critical Thinking, Intersectionality and Educational: key objectives for critical articulation on Inclusive Education

Fatma Mizikaci
The Corporate Voice of the New Higher Education: The Private Discourse of Capital in California State Universities

Darren Webb
Prefigurative Politics, Utopian Desire and Social Movement Learning: Reflections on the Pedagogical Lacunae in Occupy Wall Street

Noel Christian A. Moratilla
Revisiting Paulo: Critical Pedagogy and Testimonial Narratives as Liberative Spaces in the Philippines’ K-12 Curriculum

Steve Hanson
The real but greatly exaggerated death of Postmodernism

Volume 17 Number 1 – April 2019

Rosi Smith
Now we don’t see the university as something distant. It’s here in our hands’: Situated pedagogy in Cuban municipal universities

Enrique Javier Díez Gutiérrez
Entrepreneurial uberisation in Spanish education

Valerie Scatamburlo-D’Annibale
The ‘Culture Wars’ Reloaded: Trump, Anti-Political Correctness and the Right’s ‘Free Speech’ Hypocrisy

Kathryn Lum
The Dalit Closet: Managing Dalit Identity at an Elite University in India

Lucy Wenham
‘It’s horrible. And the class is too silent’ – A silent classroom environment can lead to a paralysing fear of being put on the spot, called-out, shown up, shamed or humiliated

Arthur Scarritt
Selling Diversity, Promoting Racism: How Universities Pushing a Consumerist Form of Diversity Empowers Oppression

Katherine Crawford-Garrett
Patrick Yarker
Francesca Blueher
Karen Kiefer

Book Review Symposium: Howard Ryan with Debra Goodman, Joel Jordan, and Joseph Zeccola (2016), Educational Justice: Teaching and Organizing against the Corporate Juggernaut. New York: Monthly Review. ISBN 98-1583676141 (paperback, also available in hardback and e-book)

Volume 16 Number 3 – December 2018

Gail Edwards
Dave Hill
Simon Boxley

Critical Teacher Education for Economic, Environmental and Social Justice

Sophie Ward
Boal, Theatre in Education and the Promotion of Fundamental British Values

Lia Weitzel
The Cuban ‘‘Yes, I Can’’ Adult Literacy Campaign in Aboriginal Australia: An Alternative to Commodified Education

Sebahat Şahin
Melike Acar

How Neoliberal Education Design is Reflected in Classrooms: The Many Faces of Neoliberalism in a 4th Grade Classroom

Victoria Johnson
Masking Neoliberal Ideology: Teleological Framing and the “Reinvention” of Higher Education

James Avis
A Note on Class, Dispositions and Radical Politics

John Smyth
Robin Simmons

Class, Dispositions and Radical Politics – a Rejoinder

Volume 16 Number 2 – September 2018

Polina-Theopoula Chrysochou
A Requiem for the End of Great Narratives in the Era of the ‘Crisis’: Greece Under the Microscope

Michael McCanless
Learning to [Bear it and] Smile: Surveilled Labour, Taylorised Work, and the Contradictions of College Readiness

Cláudia Maria Bokel Reis
William Soares Dos Santos

Critical Acts of Becoming in Teacher Practicum: Evidence from Student-Teacher Memoir of Apprenticeship in Public Schools in Rio de Janeiro

Matilda Wiklund
The Media and the Making of Education Policy – Media Discourse on Education in Two Swedish Election Periods

Lucía Martínez Virto
Juan Ramón Rodríguez Fernández

Exclusion and Neoliberalism in the Education System: Socio-Educational intervention Strategies for an Inclusive Education System

Mary B. Ziskin
Karyn E. Rabourn
Donald Hossler

Performance-Based Funding of Higher Education: Analyses of Policy Discourse Across Four Case Studies

Denise Mifsud
Richard Riddell
Ian Dewes

Book Review Symposium: Modernising School Governance: Corporate Planning and Expert Handling in State Education. Andrew Wilkins (2016) Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-78747-6 (hardback, also available in paperback and e-book)