Policies for Evaluation and Regulation of Higher Education in Brazil (1995-2010), supporting the expansion of private higher education

Gladys Beatriz Barreyro
José Carlos Rothen
Andréia da Cunha Malheiros Santana

Universidade de S?o Paulo, Brazil
Universidade Federal de S?o Carlos, Brazil
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil

Citation information
URL: [post]
author:Gladys Beatriz Barreyro
José Carlos Rothen
Andréia da Cunha Malheiros Santana
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
Volume 12, Number 1
ISSN 1740-2743

click here for PDF article

The manifestation of the value of patriotism among Israeli trainee teachers – natives and immigrants: how will they educate their pupils in the light of this value?

Sara Zamir
Tamar Horowitz

Achva Academic College and Ben-Gurion University at Eilat, Israel
Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheba, Israel

Citation information
URL: [post]
author:Sara Zamir
Tamar Horowitz
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
Volume 11, Number 4
ISSN 1740-2743

click here for PDF article