From ethnic segregation to bilingual education: What can bilingual education do for the future of the Israeli Society?

Rachel Hertz-Lazarowitz, Aura Mor-Sommerfeld, Tamar Zelniker, Faisal Azaiza
The Jewish-Arab Centre, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Israel; Tel Aviv University, Israel

Citation information
URL: [post]
author:Rachel Hertz-Lazarowitz, Aura Mor-Sommerfeld, Tamar Zelniker, Faisal Azaiza
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
Volume 6, Number 2
ISSN 1740-2743

click here for PDF article

The Gates’ Foundation and the Future of U.S. Public Education: A Call for Scholars to Counter Misinformation Campaigns

Philip E. Kovacs, H.K. Christie
University of Alabama in Huntsville, Alabama, USA; University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Citation information
URL: [post]
author:Philip E. Kovacs, H.K. Christie
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
Volume 6, Number 2
ISSN 1740-2743

click here for PDF article