Volume 17 Number 3 – December 2019

Katherine Simpson
Robin Simmons
Social Haunting or Reclaiming the Past? Education and the Working Class in a Former Mining Community

Tim Rudd
Stephen O’Brien
The System Crisis 2020: The End of Neoliberal Higher Education in the UK?

K.V Syamprasad
Merit and caste as cultural capital: Justifying affirmative action for the underprivileged in Kerala, India

Evelyn Wandia Corrado
Using ethnocentric dialogic education to develop the autonomy of children in Africa: A Kenyan study

Mark Preston S. Lopez
Maria R. Coady
Annie Grail F. Ekid
Rural indigenous teachers’ lived experiences in mother tongue education in the Philippines: Counter-stories of resistance

Stephen Black
Languages study and class privilege: The neoliberal effect in Australian schools

Rural indigenous teachers’ lived experiences in mother tongue education in the Philippines: Counter-stories of resistance

Mark Preston S. Lopez
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College, Philippines
Maria R. Coady
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
Annie Grail F. Ekid
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College, Philippines

Citation information
URL: http://www.jceps.com/archives/7049
Authors: Mark Preston S. Lopez, Maria R. Coady & Annie Grail F. Ekid
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
Volume 17, Number 3
ISSN 1740-2743

click here for PDF article

Volume 17 Number 2 – August 2019

Hana Cervinkova
Pawel Rudnicki
Neoliberalism, Neo-conservatism, Authoritarianism. The Politics of Public Education in Poland

Bill Templer
Autocratic Top-down Censorship, Chris Hedges, and IATEFL’s Entrenched Resistance to Anti-Capitalist Critical Pedagogy

Raphael Alves Feitosa
Viviane Alves de Oliveira Feitosa
Natasha Alves Correia Lima
Maria Cleide da Silva Barroso

István Mészáros’ contributions to understanding of the metabolic rift: initial report for critical Environmental Education

Alisson Slider do Nascimento de Paula
Karla Raphaella Costa Pereira
Frederico Jorge Ferreira Costa
Kátia Regina Rodrigues Lima

The imperialist’s conditionalities for peripheral higher education privatization policy

Tarık Soydan
What Happened to Turkish Modernization? -A Historical Evaluation

Aldo Ocampo González
Patricia Hill Collins
Interview with Patricia Hill Collins on Critical Thinking, Intersectionality and Educational: key objectives for critical articulation on Inclusive Education

Fatma Mizikaci
The Corporate Voice of the New Higher Education: The Private Discourse of Capital in California State Universities

Darren Webb
Prefigurative Politics, Utopian Desire and Social Movement Learning: Reflections on the Pedagogical Lacunae in Occupy Wall Street

Noel Christian A. Moratilla
Revisiting Paulo: Critical Pedagogy and Testimonial Narratives as Liberative Spaces in the Philippines’ K-12 Curriculum

Steve Hanson
The real but greatly exaggerated death of Postmodernism